Project Prometheus - $uicide for $ale
Project Prometheus is a new melodic, dark metal band from the Netherlands. The name of the band is based on a project established in 2003 by NASA to develop nuclear-powered systems for long-duration space missions. Let’s see if their existence in the metal scene can also be suitable on the long term.
Although a female singer is mostly associated within gothic music when it comes to melodic metal, Project Prometheus is clearly different. The music is a combination of something in between Chimaira, Lacuna Coil and Dimmu Borgir. That is, because the clean, soft vocals are combined with, sometimes ultra-brutal, heavy guitar riffs, deep grunts and precisely written songs.
The recordings of this 4-track demo are performed at home which is actually not bad at all. However, the vocals are really put to frontside which especially harms the drum sound. Furthermore, the vocal lines are repeated a lot during the verses and because they are sung in minor chords I can imagine a lot of people disliking this.
Together, the four songs are reflecting a lot of different dimensions in heavy metal music which I found positive. Although the sound isn’t always convincing, it proves the multi-applicable themes for these musicians which could lead into a very nice project. However, in this form, the band sure will need some more structure, a little more attention towards the melody lines and a specific path to follow. In that case, I’m convinced of the fact that we’ll hear some more material pretty soon.
63/1001Details Independent
Released on Wednesday Mar 14th, 2007
Melodic Metal
Writer @CarpeSiem on Wednesday Mar 14th, 2007
Tags: #Project Prometheus
1. My Hate, Your Love
2. Where The Sunlight Can't Reach
3. WarGasm
4. Migraine
2. Where The Sunlight Can't Reach
3. WarGasm
4. Migraine
Line up
Paul Verbeek
Lotus van den Wijgaard
Lotus van den Wijgaard